Member Benefits
Our services and benefits extend to those who rent their home in Greenbriar, so consider joining our Association and extending your benefits of living in one of the best neighborhoods in the city.
Snow plowing – Neighborhood streets are plowed after three inches or more of snow. Hoover Lane is usually plowed by the city. In snow emergencies where there is 6 or more inches of snow, the neighborhood makes sure Hoover Lane is plowed with the rest of our streets.
Fourth of July parade & picnic – A parade is held in which children and parents are encouraged to decorate their bikes, big wheels, strollers, etc., to parade through the neighborhood escorted by gracious members of Fire Station 4. The parade ends at Greenbriar School, where we gather for games, food and fun for the entire family. Area businesses provide many “give-aways” and attendees can usually get the price of membership back through this event alone.
Spring flower sale – This activity helps members to enhance and beautify their yards by purchasing plants at reduced prices. Greenbriar volunteers coordinate a group purchase from a wholesaler.
Newsletters – Printed and electronic newsletters come out six times a year and other periodic mailings and emails provide updates on items of interest in the neighborhood, timely alerts and news, and is sent to all residences.
Greenbriar Directory – Every 3 years a Greenbriar Directory is published, which lists all residents who wish to be included. The Directory also includes other useful information such as community telephone numbers, as well as numbers for baby sitting, pet sitting, and lawn care services within the neighborhood. This directory is paid for with advertisements purchased by local area businesses.
Block Parties – We are working on having more regular Block parties and larger Zone parties where neighbors can meet each other in fun social settings.
Monthly Board meetings – Board meetings are held monthly usually the first Tuesday at 7pm, and any resident can attend and bring matters of concern to the attention of the Board. For current meeting location, call a board member or inquire at
Neighborhood meetings – Each spring and occasionally in the fall, neighborhood meetings are held to provide information of current interest, such as local building projects, political forums, neighborhood improvement projects and security concerns, or anything else that may impact the neighborhood. Annual meetings are announced in the newsletter, so be on the lookout!
Other services – On occasions the association becomes involved as the need arises in a variety of areas which benefit the neighborhood, including issues such as speed control, school, sidewalk and street maintenance, fire protection, zoning, and vandalism prevention.